Thank you for filling out the Candidate Bio
This is a confirmation that we have received your candidate bio and this career information has been uploaded to our recruiting database. This additional time you have taken to provide us more detail about your professional skillsets and career experience is key in positioning you and your value for this next job opportunity.
What to expect next in the Recruitment Process?
Hiring manager screening review
The career information you have provided in your Candidate Bio will be shared with the hiring manager for this role as part of their initial screening of all candidates presented by Angeleno Recruiting. The hiring manager will be reviewing your resume, LinkedIn profile, portfolio (if applicable), compensation requests, about me bullets, and Angeleno Recruiting’s notes.
Timing for feedback or next steps
Angeleno Recruiting knows that the status of candidacy in a recruiting processes is key to understanding where you are in consideration of your larger job search. We cannot guarantee the timing for candidacy status for any role, so what will do is provide frequent updates, typically on weekly basis. Our candidate submissions are typically provided on a weekly basis on Mondays and on average you can expect 1-2 weeks minimum before any candidacy update is provided. Once we do have an update, we will provide either next steps in the interview process or provide feedback, if available, regarding why you did not end up moving forward.
Keeping everyone updated
We will do our best to provide frequent updates on your candidacy status, we do you ask the same of you. If you no longer are interested in the career opportunity presented, or have been offered another role that will be accepting, please provides us with an update as soon as possible so that we can make the hiring manager aware. Angeleno Recruiting believes that transparency is key and is respectful to all parties involved in the recruiting process.
Prepare yourself for interviewing
Whether or not, you end up moving forward in the interview process, preparing for interviewing is extremely helpful. Do your company research by reviewing professional and social links, gather notes and identify questions that you might have about the opportunity, think about your career achievements and what are relevant to this opportunity. Take the opportunity to meet with your recruiter at Angeleno Recruiting prior or following an interview to any insight into company or info about the process - we are here to help.